Friday, May 31, 2013


Anne Marchand, Renewal, 72 x 72
Washington, DC Artist Anne Marchand joins Mike Shaffer and Mark Sharp for the three person show curated by Gallery Director Kimberly Marshall at BlackRock Center for the Arts from June 5 - 28, 2013. An artist reception is planned for Saturday, June 8, from 5:30 - 7:30pm. You and your guests are invited.

Marchand’s explosion of color is what most viewers see first, but her works have an otherworldly aspect as if the viewer can jump in and connect. Marchand is exploring science and astronomy and where it intersects with mythology through her work. The layers of color are like poetry, which can be examined for multiple viewpoints and meaning.

“I am particularly interested in how the sciences and astronomy relate to mythology and spirituality. These are the myths that Joseph Campbell calls metaphor as myth and religion,” says Marchand. Through her own research, reading and "seeing" through the eyes of Hubble, she connects back to earth and how we are in the midst of creating a new planetary mythology based on oneness. “Over the last decade, I have been particularly interested in Sufi poetry and exploring language in paint,” says Marchand.

For the show, Marchand has selected three large works and several smaller pieces. The large works are “Renewal,” "Monde Matériel" and "a priori," all are 72x72 In., acrylic and mixed media on canvas. “These works address mythology and metaphor as a way to illicit an epiphany within the human being as to the wonder and oneness of the universe,” says Marchand.

BlackRock Center for the Arts is located at 12901 Town Commons Drive, Germantown, MD 20874, near the intersection of Middlebrook Rd. and Route 118.

About the Artist:
Anne Marchand is a Washington, DC based artist. She holds Fine Arts Degrees from the University of Georgia and Auburn University. Her works have been included in national and regional exhibitions and featured in 100 Artists of the Mid-Atlantic Book, Studio Visit Magazine and American Art Collector. Schiffer will feature her work in Artist Studios and Homes in 2014. Porter Contemporary represents her work in New York. Anne has received grants for her work, notably an Artist Fellowship from the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities and a Mid Atlantic Arts Foundation residency grant to Mexico. She has taught painting and drawing at Mt. Vernon College’s School of Art and Design and was visiting artist with the University of Illinois, School of Architecture study abroad program. Her work is featured in corporate and private collections in the United States.

Image Credit: Painting by Anne Marchand, Renewal, 72x72 In.
Photo Credit: Gregory Staley Photography.

Acrylics, Wood Sculpture and Mixed Media
By Three Artists, at BlackRock
Who: Anne Marchand, Mike Shaffer, Mark Sharp

What: Art Exhibition and Opening Reception
Painting, Sculpture, Mixed Media

When: June 5 - 28, 2013, Opening reception, June 8, 5:30 - 7:30pm

WhereBlackRock Center for the Arts 
12901 Town Commons Drive
Germantown, MD 20874
PRICE: FREE admission. Telephone: 301-528- 2260

BlackRock Center for the Arts is a cultural cornerstone of Germantown that engages the communities of Upper Montgomery County to explore, experience, and celebrate the arts. For further information about BlackRock, call the center at 301.528.2260 or visit BlackRock is located at 12901 Town Commons Drive, Germantown, MD, near the intersection of Middlebrook Rd. and Route 118.

To schedule an interview with any of the artists or with BlackRock Executive Director Krista Bradley, contact Laurie Levy-Page, Director of Marketing and Communications, at 240-912-1057.

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Bethesda Painting Awards opens June 1

The Bethesda Painting Awards, downtown Bethesda's annual juried art competition, opens this Saturday, June 1! This competition exclusively honors painters from Maryland, Virginia and Washington, D.C. $13,000 in prize monies will be awarded to the top three finalists.

Bethesda Painting Awards
Gallery B
June 1-29
Wednesday - Saturday, 12-6pm
Public Opening: Friday, June 14

Congratulations to the 2013 Finalists!
Joan Belmar - Takoma Park, MD
Dennis Farber - Lutherville, MD
Christine Gray - Alexandria, VA
Hedieh Ilchi - Rockville, MD
Barry Nemett - Stevenson, MD
Cara Ober - Baltimore, MD
Erin Raedeke - Gaithersburg, MD
Bill Schmidt - Baltimore, MD

More Info.

Joseph Campbell: Nature, Myth & Art Closing Night in Carmel, CA

Joseph Campbell: The Artist's Way &
Working Art: Joseph Campbell at His Desk
Finalé Reception & Wine Tasting
Friday, May 31, at the Carl Cherry Center from 5-7pm

“What is it to fully experience life, to be present to the action of living, the moment of being?” is the essential question Joseph Campbell asks. Artists Sharron Antholt, Rob Barnard, Kristin Casaletto, Laurel Farrin, Robilee Frederick, Peter Hiers, Tom Nakashima, Katherine Sherwood, and Katarina Wong express this desire for the ecstasy of being alive as they share what they have discovered in the Joseph Campbell: The Artist's Way exhibit.

Joseph Campbell:
The Artist's Way
Campbell writes, "the way of art...leads also to the mountaintop that is everywhere, beyond opposition of transcendental vision…and everything appears to man as it is, infinite.” Nine artists lead you into this mystery at the Carl Cherry Center from April 19-May 31.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Walter E. Washington Convention Center Art Collection Tou

Thursday, May 30th, 6:30 - 8:00pm

Curator Joan Oshinsky will lead the tour of the largest art collection in DC that is not in a museum. The $4 million permanent art installation features paintings, sculptures, graphics,photography, and mixed media works created by local, national, and international artists.

Meet at the Visitor Information Center in the Grand Lobby
No charge, but space is limited

Advance Reservations Required
Phone and leave a message or email; a staff member will confirm your reservation
Community at

Walter E. Washington Convention Center
801 Mount Vernon Place, NW

Metro: Mt. Vernon Sq-7th Street-Convention Center

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Solo Exhibition of New Works by Jennifer Murray at Porter Contemporary

Never Ending Story by Jennifer Murray

Opening Reception With the Artist
Thursday, May 23
6:30 - 8:30 PM

Artist Talk and Salon97 Music Listening Party
Thursday, May 30
6:30 - 8:30 PM

Charcoal, ink, acrylic, photography and animal skulls are simply the beginning of the story to Jennifer Murray's second solo exhibition at Porter Contemporary. Murray imagines a totemic tribute to the power of mythology rooted in nature through a digital and technical lens. Murray will explore the ways in which we experience the power of the natural world using the color white in its varied patterns as the basis for inter-connectivity.

548 W. 28th Street
New York, New York 10001

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Encaustic Painting Workshop offered in Metro Washington, DC Area

Artist Angela White is offering encaustic painting workshops at CAN- Capital Arts Network in Rockville, MD.

Encaustic Painting Workshop
June 15th & 16th, 2013
Workshop can be taken for one or two days.

What is covered:
This workshop is for some who have little familiarity and some who have experienced working with the medium, but seek to refine their skills.

Artwork by Angela White
Diversity of learning is covered, including the basic materials and techniques, safety issues and discussions of supports, grounds, layering, scraping, fusing, transparencies, collage, image transfer, including combination with oil and other media.

What is included: The use of encaustic equipment is included; heated palettes, heat guns & torches.

Required materials list:
  • Bring panels/supports to work on: 6”x6”, 8”x8”, 8”x10”-luan, pine, birch or other types of plywood. You may glue paper on them or gesso them ahead of time.
  • Bring bristle brushes or sable; no synthetic as they will burn or melt.
  • Bring your favorite colors of encaustic paint, which can be purchased at most area art stores or online.
  • Rags or paper towels.

Suggested materials list: mark making tools (printmaking, sculpture, ceramic, dental, culinary, burnishers, scrapers, stamps, scribes).
Images for transferring: photocopies, drawings or anything you would like to experiment with.

Fee: $240
Materials fee: $25

Contact: Angela White    
anglwhite [at] verizon [dot] net

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Project Create 5th Annual Project Create Art Auction is May 16

5th Annual Project Create Art Auction
Project Create Cordially Invites You to Join Us for Our
5th Annual Art Auction + Benefit

Featuring curated artwork selected by Reyes + Davis Independent Exhibitions. Guests will enjoy music by DJ Jahsonic, wine and hors d'oeuvres, as well a student exhibition and silent auction.

May 16, 2013
6:00 to 9:00 p.m.

Paul Hastings, LLP
875 15th Street, NW
(McPherson Square Metro)

Student $20
General $50
VIP $100 (includes selected artwork print from artist Dennis O'Neil)

Honorary Chair:  Brigitte Reyes | Reyes + Davis Independent Exhibitions

Hosted by:
      Monica Bussolati | Bussolati
      Ines Barlerin | Artist 
      Ray Farmer | Time Magazine
      Jade Floyd | The Case Foundation
      Pam Frederick |  ArtSPACE Management, LLC 
      James Gilbey | Discovery Communication
      Flora Kanter |  ArtSPACE Management, LLC 
      Kira Marchenese | Project Create Board of Directors
      Sara Farley | The Global Knowledge Initiative
      Ora Nwubueze | The Dunes/Vera Cruz Gallery
      Adra Williams | Otim Williams
      Matt McGuire | Sarah Craven
      Christie Walser | Tom Mullins
      Charles Small
      Dorothy T. Sales
      Doug Heye

All of your purchases help Create Art, Create Opportunity, Create Community here in Washington, DC.
Project Create provides accessible arts education to promote
positive development in the lives of children, youth and families
experiencing homelessness and poverty.
See for more information.

N I C H O L A S & S H E I L A P Y E

May 18 - June 22, 2013
Opening Reception: Saturday, May 18, 6:30 - 8 pm

In a few years, when I've forgotten you, and when other stories like yours...rise to the surface, I'll remember you the way I would remember the forgetting of love itself. I'll think of this story as I would of the horror of forgetting.
-Hiroshima Mon Amour

Curator's Office is pleased to present Unspoiled, a new exhibition of photographic works by celebrated Canadian collaborative team Nicholas & Sheila Pye. This will be the fourth exhibition of work by the Pyes at Curator's Office. Unspoiled includes four large dramatic photographs. This will be the last exhibition in the space at 1515 14th Street in Washington, DC as the gallery relocates, so it is appropriate to conclude a wonderful nine-year run in Logan Circle with work that explores the psychological intensity of transition.

Art historian and Hirshhorn Museum & Sculpture Garden Program Associate Jessica Beck writes, "The artists Nicolas & Sheila Pye have spent their careers exploring the trials and tribulations as well as tender moments of love. In both film and photography, they have explored broad themes of attachment, gender politics, the ego, and the unspoken wishes and desires that can plague relationships. In their new body of photographic work, the Pyes use nature to tell a different, more mature story of loss, the failings of memory, and the fragility of love. The stylized sets that they once employed in films have been traded in for the serene simplicity of nature. In dense forests and clear streams, themes of connection, loss, and memory are staged in sublimely blissful settings."

"While memory and loss are prominent themes in this new series, mutual respect emanates from these images. This series tells a tale of remembrance, esteem, homage and perhaps growth. In this forest of the past, there is perhaps the promise of a new and different future. These figures seem to be treading cautiously, but forward nonetheless."

curator's office
1515 14th Street nw
suite 201
washington, dc  20005

+ 202.387.1008 tel
+ 202.387.1066 fax

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Celebrating 10 years of Mid City Artists Open Studios

Downloadable Open Studio Tour Map available at:

May 18th and May 19th 

On the afternoons of May 18th and 19th tour 25+ working art studios, in and around the Dupont Circle, Logan Circle, U Street and Shaw neighborhoods, better known as Mid City. Visitors can hop from one studio to another within vibrant Mid City and witness an expansive offering of art and culture by the city’s most-talented and creative artists. This bi-annual event, now in its 10th year, offers visitors a rare portal into the artists’ creative habitat and an opportunity for the public to participate in the District’s dynamic and diverse arts community. Each studio is unique and locations range from retail spaces, old carriage houses, spare bedrooms, apartments to basements. The participating artists represent a great diversity of work, including drawings, sculptures, paintings, prints, photographs and mixed media.

MCA is a distinct and talented group of more than 35 professional artists who have come together to promote their work and to create an artists’ community in the central part of the nation’s capital. Numerous business sponsors support MCA by exhibiting member works throughout the year and during the Open Studios weekend.

Spring Open Studios Participating Artists: Chuck Baxter, Scott G. Brooks, Jane Cave, Robert T. Cole, Michael Crossett, Aster da Fonseca, Thomas Drymon, Gary Fisher, Charlie Gaynor, Sally Kauffman, Miguel Perez Lem, Eileen Lyons, Lucinda Friendly Murphy, Betto Ortiz, Mark Parascandola, Dave Peterson, Brian Petro, Ronald Riley, Marie Ringwald, Peter Alexander Romero, Richard Siegman, George H. Smith-Shomari, Michael Torra, Robert Wiener, Colin Winterbottom. Others by appointment.

*individual artist studio times may vary. Please check website.

Monday, May 13, 2013

Anne Marchand: Illumination Exhibition @ Emerge Fine Art

The show is up through May 17, this is the last week!
Go see it if you are in North Carolina!

Anne Marchand: Illumination
On View: April 26, 2013 – May 17, 2013

Pictures from the artist reception are up on Flickr. Enjoy!

Anne Marchand: IlluminationAnne Marchand: IlluminationAnne Marchand: IlluminationAnne Marchand: IlluminationAnne Marchand: IlluminationAnne Marchand: Illumination

Anne Marchand: IlluminationAnne Marchand: IlluminationAnne Marchand: IlluminationAnne Marchand: IlluminationAnne Marchand: IlluminationAnne Marchand: Illumination

Anne Marchand: IlluminationAnne Marchand: IlluminationAnne Marchand: IlluminationAnne Marchand: IlluminationAnne Marchand: IlluminationAnne Marchand: Illumination

Anne Marchand: IlluminationAnne Marchand: IlluminationAnne Marchand: IlluminationAnne Marchand: IlluminationAnne Marchand: IlluminationAnne Marchand: Illumination

Emerge Fine Art
200 South Academy Street, Suite 110
Cary, North Carolina 27511

MPA and VMFA Present a Talk on Pop Art and Beyond at The Alden

McLean Project for the Arts in partnership with the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts will present a Power Point lecture on the work of Tom Wesselmann at The Alden on June 7 at 7:30 pm. VMFA Deputy Director Robin Nicholson will talk about this remarkable exhibition currently running at the VMFA. Famous for his Great American Nude series, American painter Tom Wesselmann (1931 – 2004) is widely regarded as one of the leading figures in the vanguard of American Pop Art. Mr. Nicholson will also give a sneak preview of the upcoming VMFA exhibition "Hollywood Costume".

The Alden is located in the McLean Community Center at 1234 Ingleside Avenue in McLean.

Free, tickets required and limited in number. Contact Ellen Face at or 703-790-1953 to reserve your tickets now.

McLean Project for the Arts is a non-profit visual arts center founded in 1962 to exhibit the work of emerging and established regional artists. In addition to its program of high quality, professionally-curated art exhibitions, MPA offers art classes for children and adults taught by professional art instructors. MPA also presents the Art Reach program for area schools, gallery talks, and day trips to area museums and galleries. MPA is a partner with the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts.

For more information, visit or cal 703-790-1953

Friday, May 10, 2013

The Gateway Arts District Open Studio Tour 2013. 5/11/13 @ 12pm

Saturday, May 11, 2013 | 
The Gateway Community Development Corporation brings together professional and upcoming artists representing almost every visual arts medium for The 9th Annual Open Studio Tour
This Gateway Arts District event has grown to feature over 140 Artists and music performances by the NEW Community Supported Music Group and performances at Urban Eats Cafe!  See their work, explore their studios, and drop into all studios and galleries that the Gateway Arts District has to offer. 
Don't forget to reserve your seat on the Open Studio Tour Guided Shuttle. And it's FREEReserve your spot today!
Open Studio Tour Open Receptions & After-Party

Don't miss the Opening Receptions @ Brentwood Arts Exchange (reception) and 39th Street Gallery (Reception & After-party) and immediately following Open Studio Tour until 8pm. And check out the Prince George's African American Museum and Cultural Center's exhibit, Paper Dolls.

Bethesda Fine Arts Festival - May 11 & 12

Saturday, May 11, 10am - 6pm

Sunday, May 12,  10am - 5pm
Auburn & Norfolk Avenues in Bethesda 

Browse and shop for fine art & craft, eat delicious food and listen to live music at the Bethesda Fine Arts Festival this weekend!
130 artists from throughout the United States and Canada will converge in Bethesda's  Woodmont Triangle for the Bethesda Fine Arts Festival. Join us for a unique shopping experience in downtown Bethesda. Browse jewelry, furniture, painting, photography, sculpture and more. Click here for a list of participating artists.
Along with booths of fine art and fine craft, the festival will feature live musical, a children's activity area and great eats from Bethesda restaurants. Eateries include Mamma Lucia, Hard Times Cafe, Freddy's Lobster & Clams, Haagen-Dazs and Yamas Mediterranean Grill.
Enjoy live music all weekend long. Browse art while listening to the sounds of the Dave Klein Jazz Trio, Sweet Saludos, Sandra Y. Johnson Quartet, Marek and the Boss Chops, Angie Miller, Round About and ElikehClick here for the performance schedule.
Admission to the festival is free and free parking is available in the public parking garage on Auburn Avenue. This event is held rain or shine.

Tuesday, May 07, 2013

Illumination: New Work by Anne Marchand

Emerge Fine Art
April 26 - May 17, 2013
Anne Marchand, A Breath Closer,  36"x36", acrylic and mixed on canvas
 FB Album Photos
Twitter @emergefineart
Emerge Fine Art
200 S. Academy Street
Cary, North Carolina
(919) 380-4470

ART & FASHION SALON: "Good Artists Borrow, Great Artists Steal" -Picass...

ART & FASHION SALON: "Good Artists Borrow, Great Artists Steal" -Picass...: Like or love Picasso?  Head over to Porter Contemporary soon for a stunning group exhibition entitled "Drink To Me,"  highlightin...

Project Create 5th Annual Art Auction

Reception: Thursday, May 16, 2013 6-9 pm 
Paul Hastings Law Firm
875 Fifteenth Street NW, WDC 
Please join us on May 16th!

Purchase tickets online at