Happy Anniversary! I'll let you guess which amazing year this is!
Life is fragrant like a blissful poem. The roses keep on with their singing and I keep on listening.

We're going to celebrate with a big bowl of pasta by Chef Steve at the Top o' the Town tonight.
There's much to celebrate in life besides our Anniversary.
*The show "ELLIPSIS" is up at ZENITH GALLERY with much interest from collectors. Plan to come by and see my art exhibition of eighteen months work of abstract paintings. I have loved working on this theme of celestial space inspired by images from the Hubble telescope. Our earth is a floating jewel like a sarpej, an ornament in God's turban. Looking at these space images reminds me of the priviledge of being alive. The Zenith Gallery is a short walk from the Gallery Place Metro.
*Pass Gallery is holding a 10 Year Anniversary Show,"PassTense" which features one of my paintings called "Illuminata." It's a favorite of mine, smaller and more intimate. "PASSTENSE" is a large group show of Washington artists. Gallery owner and MCA artist, Richard Siegman, will be open next weekend during the MCA Open Studios Artwalk, so stop by and visit the exhibition during your weeknd tour of artists studios.
*MID CITY ARTISTS is holding Open Studios on May 20 and 21 from 12-5pm and I will be participating on both days. (More on that).
*ZENITH GALLERY will hold a group show called "Our Town" in June with five artists exhibiting including myself. They will show several of my DC cityscapes.
*And the ARTS COMMISSION and I are planning a dedication ceremony for my Takoma Community Center mural which was installed on March 30. I'll invite you to come and be part of the community celebration when we nail down a date. It's been an exciting season in the artworld. And if you haven't heard from me in while, it's 'cause I've been in the incubator of creativity and action, not a slow burn. I miss you too, so I'll call you for lunch.
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