The virtual book tour has started today at Creative Nudge with Brenda Johima's interview with author, Eric Maisel. Brenda's focus is how to use the breathing method to deal with, cope with, and thrive in living daily with chronic pain.
This blogtour is a brilliant idea for a creative writer. It's the first that I've heard of and participated in. Eric Maisel will introduce his book and breathing technique which can be applied by anyone to help create a meaningful life. Along the way, we'll meet folks who are interested in extending this technique to other areas of their lives outside the artistic realm. If we believe that we influence our lives by our thought processes, then it's important to bring all areas of our lives into harmony.
You can see the rest of Ten Zen Seconds Blog Tour schedule at http://www.tenzenseconds.com/blog_tour_wk1.html.
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