As part of the Whole Lotta Love Weekend on July 3-4, 2009 at CAMP Rehoboth in Rehoboth Beach, DE, over 200 artists have created postcard-sized works of art, each for sale for $100. Among the artists, over 15% are represented in museums or major collections, and they reside in 10 states as far away as CA and FL with 78 residing fulltime in DE."
Buy LottoHEART Tickets: Each $100 Ticket Includes an Original Work of Art!
Preview Party June 27, 4-6pm
The preview is free and open to the public.
LottoHEART Game Show July 3rd! Your $100 ticket gets you into the event and guarantees you a piece of art.
Can't Come? Still Be a Winner! Buy a Blind Date Ticket
Buy your $100 Blind Date ticket and you receive a random piece of art from the same terrific pool of talented artists.
CAMP Rehoboth, 37 Baltimore Avenue, Rehoboth Beach, DE.
Participating Artists:
J. S. Adams | | Anna U. Davis | | Rania Hassan | | Katherine Mann | | Leslie Sinclair | |
John M. Adams | | Eric Davison | | Laurel Hausler | | Anne Marchand | | Ellen Sinel | |
Matty Adler | | Frank Day | | Eve Hennessa | | Arthur Mattei | | Sandra Skidmore | |
Lewis Allen | | Rosetta DeBerardinis | | Sean Hennessey | | Carolina Mayorga | | Walter Smalling | |
Gini Alter | | Geri Dibiase | | Margaret Hillen | | Eljay McBride Jr. | | Karin Snoots | |
Murray Archibald | | Sam Dixon | | C. Hillman | | Lesley McCaskill | | Yea Jin Song | |
Sondra N. Arkin | | Nancy Donnelly | | Max Hirshfeld | | Jon McDonough | | Margie Spaulding | |
Loree Arnold | | Martha Dougherty | | Reece Holland | | H. LaVerne McIntyre | | Christopher Speron | |
Geoff Ault | | Mehgan Draper | | Leila Holtsman | | Regina Miele | | Michael Sprouse | |
Beth Baldwin | | Thomas Drymon | | Justin Honan | | Nelson Milder | | Marsha B Staiger | |
Michele Banks | | Jane Duffy | | Jackie Hoysted | | Trace Miller | | Betsy Stewart | |
Joseph Barbaccia | | Ellen Dygert | | Gayle Hubley | | Anne Hutton Miller | | Lou Stovall | |
Denee Barr | | Laura Edwards | | Michal Hunter | | Lee Wayne Mills | | Di Bagley Stovall | |
Julie Baxendell | | Ward Ellinger | | Kat Huston | | Linda Minkowski | | CJ Suter | |
Joan Belmar | | Helvio Faria | | Claire Ingley | | Jeffrey Todd Moore | | Ron Tate | |
Jody Bergstresser | | George Farrah | | Claire Ippoliti | | Michael Muller | | Steed Taylor | |
Judy Berkman | | Lynn Finaldi | | Terry Isner | | Jenny Mullins | | Ruth Travarrow | |
Cathin Bishop | | Sheila Finnerty | | Michael Janis | | Aina Nergaard-Nammack | | Andres E. Tremols | |
Joyce Blakeslee | | Susan Finsen | | D. Jean-Jacques | | Jim O'Dell | | Laurie Tylec | |
Barbara Blanco | | Jill Finsen | | Demarquis Johnson | | Jay Pastore | | Mollie Vardell | |
Susan Bolivar | | Gary Fisher | | Andrea J. Jones | | Brian Petro | | Nancy Varipapa | |
Tracy Bollinger | | Michael T. Fiur | | Christopher M. Jones | | Mark Planisek | | Diane Vitagliano | |
Stephanie Bonifant | | Lola Troy Fiur | | Nancy Katz | | Jennifer Plebani | | Gail Vollrath | |
Tanja Bos | | Liza Fleming | | Alan Keffer | | Ted Pokorny | | Jessica Wade | |
Anne Bouie | | Ami Forchielli | | Spencer Kingswell | | Deb Qualey | | Marianne Walch | |
Gary Bowers | | Stasia Gabrielle | | Kim Klabe | | Mary Beth Ramsey | | Liz Wallen | |
Mark Cameron Boyd | | Neal Gallico | | John Klomp | | Janna Rice | | Harold Walpert | |
Lisa Brotman | | Don Gardiner | | Ken Kusterer | | Ron Riley | | Anita Walsh | |
Holly Burns | | Todd Gardner | | Michelle Laperriere | | Marie Ringwald | | Carolyn Watson | |
Sharon J. Burton | | Jill Garity | | Sally Laux | | Fabian H Rios Rubino | | Craig P. Webb | |
Ronald Butt | | Claudia Aziza Gibson-Hunter | | Kate LaVelle | | Sandy Robbins | | Kay Weeks | |
F. Lennox Campello | | Jackie Goff | | Tracy Lee | | Katherine Rogers | | Jose M. Weidner-Ahorrio | |
Katie Cassidy | | Susan Goldman | | Beth Lennon | | Judy G. Rolfe | | Ellyn Weiss | |
Ken Catterton | | Rebecca Gordon | | Heather Levy | | Peter Alexander Romero | | Sean Welker | |
Judy Catterton | | Patricia Goslee | | Maya Livio | | Gretchen Schermerhorn | | Michael Wells | |
Sandra Chinchilla | | Roberta Gottesman | | Carol Lucia-Passo | | Harvey Sharpe | | Steve Wessells | |
Sandy Clark | | Rachael Grad | | Cecilia Ludwig | | Dale Sheldon | | Colin Winterbottom | |
Manon Cleary | | Katie Green | | Laurel Lukaszewski | | Nicolas Shi | | Scott Wiskoski | |
Rodney Cook | | Jill Gregory | | Eddie Major | | Patti Shreeve | | Andrew Wodzianski | |
Rebecca Craft | | Aurelio Grisanty | | Norman Mallard | | Richard Siegman | | David Young | |
Angela Damen | | Roberta Gross | | Kimberly Manfredi | | Alexandra Silverthorne | | Brian Zeigler | |
Richard Dana | | John Grunwell | | Joey P. Manlapaz | | Evie Simmons | | Phyllis Zwarych | |
Tim Davis | | Sharon Hardin | |
CAMP Rehoboth is a non-profit, gay and lesbian community service organization, originally developed to “Create A More Positive” relationship among all the people of the Rehoboth Beach area. Over the last 18 years it has grown into a full service community center with a multitude of activities, events, and programs.
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