Thursday, November 24, 2005

Federal: Important Tax Legislation Benefits Artists

Urge Your Representative to Support the Artist Deduction Bill.
Americans for the Arts urges the U.S. House and Senate to enact legislation that would allow artists to take a tax deduction for the fair market value of works that they create and subsequently donate to arts organizations. Under current law, artists can deduct only the cost of the materials used to create the works, whereas non-artists can deduct the works full value.

Federal: Artist Deduction Bills Introduced in Congress.
Early in the morning of November 18, the Senate approved a measure that would allow artists to take a tax deduction for the fair market value of works donated to charitable organizations.
Urge Your Congressman to Support S. 1780/H.R. 1120

Please take a minute and click on this link to support a federal bill that would allow Artists to deduct the value of donated artwork instead of just the cost of materials. Click :here
All you do is enter your zip code and it will automatically give you a written letter at American for the Arts website and the correct legislators to email it to.

Feel free to forward to as many artists and others as you can.

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