Ken Dow
Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada
Ken is a technical writer, singer/songwriter, Web developer, instructional designer, and non-fiction junkie who blogs about the nature of creativity. What is it? Why do we do it? How can we bring more of it into our lives? He is a co-developer of the Creativity Happens workshop and currently in training as a creativity coach.
Ken and Eric will chat about how the Ten Zen Seconds approach can be applied to songwriting and musical performance. Also, we’ll take a look at the distinction between a theory and a practice - is it possible to grasp Ten Zen Seconds in any real way without putting it into practice?
Sally Nicoll
Blog: www.sallynicoll.com/snblog
London, UK
Sally Nicoll is the author of Bets and the City, a Bridget Jones meets Wall Street beginner's guide to day/swing trading known in the UK as financial spread betting.
Sally and Eric will discuss how traders can profitably deploy Ten Zen Second techniques to improve decision making, cut losses and increase profits.
Nanne Barkdull
Penny Plautz
Ezines: Stress Less Living; Everyday Alchemy
Blog: www.wellpower.com
Prophetstown, Illinois
Penny Plautz is a writer and a graduate of Eric Maisel's creativity coaching program. She is the owner of TranforMotion Studios & Creativity Center where she acts as a creative catalyst to the curious in her small farming community. Her latest book, Body Confidence From the Inside Out, was published last July by Whole Person Associates. In addition to her ezines, she has a regular column in her local newspaper that reveals the workings of a creatively quirky mind called "A Penny for Your Thoughts."
Stress Less Living is all about bringing a fresh approach to the tired old subject of stress. Penny’s ezine subscribers will get a chance to ask questions about the Ten Zen Seconds approach to stress reduction.
Kathryn Petro-Harper
Blog: http://kathrynpetroharper.com/mindfullife
Santa Clara, California
Kathryn is a Renaissance woman; she has worked as a librarian, psychotherapist, and community advocate. She is also a self-taught artist, poet, and an omnivorous, voracious reader. Kathryn dedicates her life to igniting curiosity, promoting creative and critical thinking, and inspiring enthusiasm in people for lifetime learning. She believes passionately in the innate creativity of all humans. In her blog, A Mindful Life, Kathryn shares her insights and discoveries with the world.
Kathryn and Eric will chat about customizing the Ten Zen Seconds approach to high-intensity situations like childbirth, arguments, and athletic competitions.
Melanie Bowden
Blog: http://motherhood.booklocker.com
Davis, California
Melanie Bowden is a freelance writer, teacher, and mother of two. She teaches infant massage classes, writing classes, and speaks to parenting groups about postpartum issues. She is also the creator of the workshop, How To Reduce New Parent Stress. Melanie's mission is to help make the transition of others to parenthood a lot smoother than her own! She is the author of, Why Didn't Anyone Tell Me? True Stories of New Motherhood. Her blog, Spit-up on My Shoulder, provides news, information, and rants for the first-time mom.
Melanie and Eric will chat about how Ten Zen Seconds can help new mothers stay centered and mindful.
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