Susan Gallacher-Turner
Blog: http://sculpturepdx.blogspot.com
Portland, Oregon
Susan is an artist and writer who exhibits mixed-media sculptural pieces, myth-based story pieces, copper repousse' and masks. She designs masks for local theater as well as presenting workshops in mask-making. Her blog features stories from her sculptural pieces, new poems and short stories as well as personal essays on the art of life and life in the arts.
The special focus of our day will be mindfulness techniques for the working artist with an emphasis on how creating islands of mindfulness outside of the studio can support and promote work inside the studio. When you can't get into the studio, how you can maintain a positive attitude to facilitate your creativity?
Scott Davis
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Scott is a poodle-owning, music-loving and cigar-smoking freelance writer and mental health activist based in Toronto. His blog, Finding Your Marbles, is an informative, friendly, and inspired “Handbook for life” for people suffering from mental illness. Scott's mission is to share skills that enable people to manage their day-to-day lives so that they can overcome mental illness and reach their true potential.
Scott is particularly interested in how mindfulness techniques can assist sufferers with managing their illnesses and getting on the road to recovery, with a special emphasis on short, easy-to-learn techniques that they can use to help them get through the tough moments during the day.
Ray and Bernadette Smith
Covington, Georgia, USA
Bernadette is a writer, author, artist, Feng Shui practitioner and professional organizer. Her passion is to assist others in identifying ways to create sanctuary within and without. Ray is a professional actor and artist, and integrates his love for these crafts with life experience to help others identify and express their own uniquely creative self. Their website/blog encourages self-discovery and healing through introspection, awareness, inspiration, and the creative process.
Bernadette, Ray and Eric will chat about mindfulness techniques for folks going through a major life transition such as separation, divorce, loss, disability, and aging.
no more commas period
San Francisco, California
Mary Ann is a part time writer and a full time manager at Borders Bookstore in Union Square. She is currently planning to go to Italy in 2 weeks with some women friends and is feeling guilty that she hasn't learned the entire Italian language or done more research. Mary Ann has been married forever and is a strong feminist and liberal Democrat.
FRIDAY, MAY 18 Trista Hill
Delaware, Ohio
Trista Hill is a self-employed fine artist and musician who posts her more personal issues involving creativity on her blog so as to keep her website more professional. : ) She is a professional harpist who plays for special events in the central Ohio area, and is currently working on making a CD of her own harp compositions a reality. She creates artwork on commission, but has great aspirations to finally start a series of paintings that captures the creative and spiritual aspects of being a woman at this age, at this time, on this planet.
Trista would like to focus our day on what it feels like to work in a vacuum -- being self-employed, not having a lot of support due to relationship issues, and structuring your creative time so that you feel that you are actually making progress because you remembered why you were doing this work in the first place.
SATURDAY, MAY 19 Rahul Prabhakar
Blog: http://2brahulprabhakar.blogspot.com/
Seoul, South Korea
Rahul Prabhakar works as a technical communication professional with Samsung Electronics Company Limited. He is based out of Seoul and is passionate about consumer technologies. He is a leading member of the technical writing community in India and holds a Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering Technology and a Diploma in Advertising Management. In the last five years, Rahul worked as a technical writer for some of the world's leading technology industry companies, such as Oracle India Pvt. Ltd. He is the owner and moderator of a technical writing discussion group called Technical Writers India. http://groups.yahoo.com/group/technical_writers_india
Rahul and Eric will chat about how technical communicators and writers can apply Ten Zen Second techniques.
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