Wednesday, October 06, 2021

The Journey to Know Yourself and Bring Light to the World. A Three-Part Video Series

Join world-renowned spiritual teachers Caroline Myss and Andrew Harvey for a FREE three-video teaching series on the psychological and spiritual implications of investigating those parts of yourself that you have buried, abandoned, or disavowed. 

Your Free Series Includes: The Sacred Path of the Shadow: 
In video #1, join Caroline Myss to explore the Shadow and how it shows up in your life. A Rigorous Discipline of Joy: 
 In video #2, Andrew Harvey discusses how to navigate a “Shadow attack.” The Biggest Shadow of Our Time: 
 In video #3, Caroline and Andrew invite you to discover the “seven great joys” waiting to support your journey.


Registration is now open for Facing Your Shadow with Caroline Myss & Andrew Harvey. For a limited time, save $200 off the regular price—plus, receive two free bonus gifts.



Facing Your Shadow is an eight-week transformational learning experience with two of the most creative spiritual teachers and “Shadow busters” of our time, Caroline Myss and Andrew Harvey. The course is a guide to uncovering what you don’t know about yourself so you can come into alignment with your true power and purpose. And it is also a journey of self-confrontation, one that requires courage, truth-telling, and a willingness to grow.

We live in unprecedented times. Never before have we had such incredible powers to connect and create as well as divide and destroy. Now, as we do our inner work, we are also called upon to face the multiple Shadows of our collective crises. This is a brave undertaking—and also joyful, heart-opening, and meaningful. Few things fulfill us so deeply as discovering our true sacred mission and how we can bring our light to a world that so needs us.


In Facing Your Shadow, you’ll explore how to uncover the hidden parts of yourself and see the secret forces at play in the world. You’ll learn to:


  • Heal and transform the parts of yourself that keep causing the same negative patterns

  • Reveal your hidden archetypes and better understand their connection to the Shadow

  • Unearth new strengths, insights, and wisdom—there’s buried treasure in the Shadow too

  • See our collective Shadows and break free from the systems that keep you docile and disempowered

  • Step into your sacred calling and make a difference in a world that needs you now


When you commit to doing the work in Facing Your Shadow, you become fully empowered to create a life of purpose, joy, and meaning.


Now is the time to fully know yourself and bring your light to the world.




We hope you’ll join the online course,



P.S. For a limited time, save $200 on the Facing Your Shadow course and get two free bonus gifts.

Second Annual Latela Curatorial Women in the Arts Exhibition

Monday, October 11 - Sunday, November 21, 2021

                            *Launch Party: Thursday, October 14th from 6-8pm.

The Silva Gallery x Latela Curatorial, Washington, DC

Public tickets are only $25 and can be purchased here. Please invite family and friends to attend! 

A vibrant nexus for contemporary art, the Second Annual Latela Curatorial Women in the Arts Exhibition is a curated 6-week program of intersectional placemaking, gap-filling, community-fostering exhibitions, receptions, artist-led programs, and dialogue. From October 11-November 21, 2021, Women in the Arts will take place through multiple platforms including SIX exhibition satellite locations, a digital exhibition catalogue, and a full roster of events online and in-person.

This is our main newsletter where we will be sending out a weekly email about the exhibition, with a reminder of opening hours per exhibition location + zoom talk links. Please register!

Collecting art is a joyful experience, which is also a direct investment to living artists and current culture. Today, in the year 2021, women artists’ sales still make up only 2% of the global market. Despite highly visible efforts to counter the absence of women artists in international museum collections, very little action has been directed toward this jarring discrepancy in emerging to established women artists’ primary survival mechanism: the creative economy. Women artists’ sales still make up only 2% of the global market  (artnet News) 

All exhibition artworks are available for purchase. 

Sign up here to receive artist program dates, locations and events

Monday, May 17, 2021


On view from February 25th to Tuesday, May 18th, 2021.

Tomorrow is the last day to see the exhibition! Check it out online and in person before it closes on Tuesday, May 18, at 4pm. Stop by the historic Whittemore House in Dupont circle and check it out.

Gallery open 10am-4pm, Monday through Friday, by appointment. Call (202) 232-7363 to let them know you are coming. Masks required inside.



1526 New Hampshire Avenue NW 
Washington, DC 20036

Thursday, April 22, 2021

Earth Day - Artist Insight

On Earth Day and this week, I'm sharing artist insights from the exhibition: “Tellus / Caelus: Seeing Earth and Sky.” Recent Work by Anne Marchand at the Woman's National Democratic Club Museum and Gallery on Instagram.

Insight Video can be seen on Instagram @annemarchandart

Stop by and see the “Tellus / Caelus: Seeing Earth and Sky.” art exhibition in the historic Whittemore House in Dupont Circle. Exhibition is free and open to the public. Call ahead and visit from M-F 10am - 4pm through May 18, 2021
💬A brochure is available with price list for those interested in purchasing a work of art. 

🔵👉🏽Bonus 🎞 A video, ‘Overview,’ is streaming online on the website and in the gallery by request. Want to hear from some of the people who are bringing back earth wisdom from space! Take a listen to the astronauts stories and you’ll be inspired.🚀 Ron Garan 

Visit Anne Marchand on Instagram at @annemarchandart and Facebook at annemarchandart