I like many other artists in the DC area want to help with the Hurricane Katrina disaster relief. This Hurricane disaster is personal for me as all my relatives lived in New Orleans and on the North Shore of Lake Ponchartrain. I am one of the lucky ones being able to account for all family members who are scattered along the Gulf Coast coping as best they can. I worry for my two sisters and their families who are staying to rebuild their farm, Taylor's Happy Oaks Farm in Folsom, LA. The centuries old oaks and the food crops have been stripped from their land by Hurricane winds. Their houses are still standing. They are operating on generators with packaged meals and water provided by the Red Cross stations. One gasoline station has managed to reopen in their town and they can get fuel for their generators. It will be a long road to recovery, economical, mental and environmental. My sister says it feels to her like it must have felt living in the Great Depression. They have no power since they are rural and are part of a small coop power source. She thinks they will be last to have service restored. The heat worsens the conditions. This scenario is being played out across the south in different degrees of suffering and stress. I shed my tears for all the suffering souls and I am keeping a positive outlook for the rebuilding of their futures.
I want to contribute to the relief effort by offering posters of five my cityscape paintings during the month of September. 100% of my revenue from the sales of these posters will go to families who need help including Taylor's Happy Oaks Farm. The signed posters are available at $25.00 each.
If you would like to contribute by purchasing a poster, you can go directly to my website gallery at www.annemarchand.com. Click on Art Prints, then click Posters. You can order secure online.
Marchand programs funded in part by the DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities, an agency funded in part by the National Endowment of the Arts