Eric Fischl
The Death of Painting?
Thursday, July 16, 6 pm
Painter Eric Fischl asks whether painting dies when the figure disappears from it, and how concepts of the body presented by artists in different forms and at different times affect the perception and meaning of painting. Fischl’s work is included in Paint Made Flesh. Free for Phillips members; $15 for non-members. Early arrival is recommended, as seating is limited; first come, first served. (Members may confirm their seat by stopping by the lobby of the museum to pick up their free ticket prior to the event.) Information: 202-387-3036
Center for the Study of Modern Art programs are funded by
The Brown Foundation, Inc., of Houston.
Contradiction Dance
In the Flesh
July 23, 6:30 pm
Visceral paintings in Paint Made Flesh inspire the physicality and emotional charge of new choreography by Kelly Mayfield, artistic director of Contradiction Dance, where theater, dance, and pop culture meet. As seen at Round House Theatre and Artomatic.
Free for Phillips members; $15 for non-members
Part of the 2009 Capital Fringe Festival
Events listed above at the Phillips are in conjunction with the exhibition Paint Made Flesh, organized by the Frist Center for the Visual Arts, Nashville, Tenn. This exhibition is supported by an indemnity from the Federal Council on the Arts and Humanities.
| The Phillips Collection | 1600 Twenty-first Street, NW | Washington | DC 20009 |
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