Looking for an artist at Artomatic? Search the artist catalog at www.artomatic.org. Then check out the interactive map here. You'll get a feel for the site layout and you're there.
I'll be dropping by to see the artists at Artomatic in their full glory later this month. Congrats to everyone! Send me your links to pictures from last nights opening. Check out the great WaPo's City Guide slide show of the artists with links to events and resources to help you plan your visit. Today's full schedule is here.
Check out the Artomatic pool of photographs here.
"The Arlington, Va., neighborhood of Crystal City hosts this year’s Artomatic. The event is being held on two floors of an office building at 2121 Crystal Drive. The location is close to downtown Washington, D.C., and is just blocks from the Crystal City Metro station. Free garage parking will be available evenings and weekends, but visitors are strongly encouraged to take Metro to Artomatic.
This year’s Artomatic is presented in partnership with the Crystal City Business Improvement District (BID), which is “very excited” that the event is in Crystal City, according to Angela Fox, executive director of the Crystal City BID, www.crystalcitybid.com.
“Art adds dimension and soul to our daily lives. It reaches us in ways that we might not anticipate — making us think, react, reflect,” Fox said. “It also recharges us in a way that we need in today's ‘always on’ world. Artomatic does all of these times 100. One building, two floors, more than 500 artists entertaining, stretching and challenging us. It's fun, whimsical, focused, intellectual and brilliant. It's takes Crystal City where we want to go."
AOM Partners in 2007:
DC Commission on the Arts and Humanities
Cultural Alliance of Greater Washington
Cultural Center of the Inter-American Development Bank
Warehouse Theater, Gallery and Café
Washingtonpost.com MP3
April 13–May 20, 2007
2121 Crystal Drive, Arlington, Va.
Metro stop: Crystal City
Free admission. Donations accepted
For directions and hours, call the Artomatic infoline
at (202) 544-1005.
Artomatic 20007 group on Flickr