Artist Reception, Friday, Feb. 22, 6-9pm
40 artists will be exhibiting work in the Peace Now! Show at Warehouse Gallery and Theatre. Here's one of three works that I will be exhibiting. Click this Flickr link to see more work by exhibiting artists.

Abundance II / Acrylic, Mixed Media on canvas,15.5" x 12.5" F / ©2005 Anne Marchand
If you are a participating artist and would like to include the work that you are exhibiting (in Peace Now) in an online Flickr Album of Peace Now!, please email me a jpeg for web viewing with your name, title of work, date, size and medium and I will put up an album of the show. email to:
PEACE NOW! The show will stay up for the observance of the 5th anniversary of the U.S. invasion of Iraq and the March 19, 2008 "March for Peace" in Washington and other cities around the country.
The show will feature painting, sculpture, installation, photography, video. Peace Events will be scheduled during the show.
Exhibiting Artists:
Matt Achhammer, JS Adams, Sondra N. Arkin, Beth Baldwin, Joan Belmar, BLK w/ BEAR, M.P. Brown, F. Lennox Campello, Travis Childers, Michele Colburn, James L. Cypher aka Joey Daytona, Richard L. Dana, Anna U Davis, Tom Drymon, John De Fabbio, Dana Ellyn, Elissa Farrow-Savos, Elizabeth Featherstone Hoff, Dara Friel, John Carlton Hagerhorst, Matt Hollis, Jackie Hoysted, Joseph Jones, Joroko, Mariah Josephy, Jenufa H. Kent, Lauren Kotkin, Heather Levy, Elizabeth Lundberg Morisette, Isabel Manalo, Anne Marchand, Carolina Mayorga, Patricia E. Ortman, Igor Pasternak, Jane Pettit, Mark Planisek, Sajeela Ramsey, Marina Reiter, Ann Ruppert, Nikolas R. Schiller, Julie Seiwell, Matt Sesow, Alexandra Silverthorne, Ira Tattelman, Gabriel Thy, Karen Joan Topping, Ruth Trevarrow, Jessica van Brakle, Mary Walker, Ruth Ward, Ellyn Weiss, Angela White, Andrew Wodzianski, Peter Wood.
The list of earlier Peace shows at Warehouse:
* Faces of Iraq 2003
* Propaganda of War 2003
* War or Peace 2004
* Where�s the Peace 2005
* Shock and Awe 2006
Warehouse Gallery
1021 7th Street NW
Washington, DC
across the street from the new Washington Convention Center.
Gallery Hours: SAT/SUN 1 - 4 pm
Sounds like a great show, wish I could attend. PS - I love your work! jax chachitz
Hey Jax, thanks for your comments. I looked at your website and recommend everyone take a look at your art - good work! Anne Marchand