Opening Reception for ZARTiculation
Wednesday, May 18, 6:00-8:30 PM

Zenith Gallery on Level 2, Chevy Chase Pavilion
5335 Wisconsin Ave. NW, Washington DC 20015
Commemorating its 33rd year in the nation's capital, the gallery will present its trademark mix of artworks by more than 40 artists, many of whom have been with the gallery since its early beginnings.
John Aaron, Fabiano Amin, Bert Beirne, Caroline Benchetrit, Jay Burch, Marina Cappaletto, Marcia Clay, Pat Cochran, Rosetta DeBerardinis, Renée duRocher, Joel D'Orazio, Robert Freeman, Sofia Gawer-Fische, Ken & Julie Girardini, Robert Freeman, Gavin Glakas, David Glick, Margery E. Goldberg, Stephen Hansen, Linda Hanson, Christine Hayman, Philip Hazard, David Hubbard, Robert C. Jackson, Susan Klebanoff, Joan Konkel, Shelley Laffal, Michael Madzo, Chris Malone, Michela Mansuino, Michelle Marcello, Anne Marchand, Donna McCullough, Bill Mead, Marianne Mitchell, Davis Morton, Reuben Neugass, Carol Newmyer, Zachary Oxman, Guenther Riess, Craig Schaffer, Jane Pettit, Ron Schwerin, Sica, Ellen Sinel, Karen Starika, Paula Stern, Bradley Stevens, Cassie Taggart, James Tormey, Vic Vicini, Ray Wiger, Marcie Wolf-Hubbard,
Zenith is hosting a series of art classes, lectures and demonstrations conducted by Zenith Gallery artists and sponsored by Zenith Community Arts Foundation. All will be in Zenith Gallery at Chevy Chase, with a Meet & Greet the Artist Reception, 3:00 - 5:00 PM.
"Golden Colors Lecture Demonstration" with Rosetta DeBerardinisRSVP Required by Friday, May 13 at noon
Saturday, May 14, 1-3 PM, Adults & Children
"Mixed Media Collage Workshop" with Marcie Wolf-Hubbard
Saturday, June 4, 1-3 PM, Adults & Children
Information & for Schedule of New Classes to be Added:
202-783-2963,, art[at]
ZENITH GALLERY at Chevy Chase Pavilion is open
Wednesday - Saturday, 12-6 pm & by Appointment
Zenith located on the Second level, next to Embassy Suites Hotel
Chevy Chase Pavilion, 5335 Wisconsin Ave, NW, WDC 20015
Friendship Heights Metro
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